Book – Love Without End, Jesus Speaks . . . – Pre-Loved


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Product Description

Love Without End, Jesus Speaks . . . Book – Pre-Loved

By Glenda Green

For almost two thousand years devoted believers, mystics, innocents, and even non-believers have reported to have near-to-life, fully perceptual, visitations with Jesus Christ.

In 1992 such an event happened to Glenda Green and spoke with her daily for almost four months.

During this time, they spoke . . . as friends do, of many wonderful things both miraculous and practical.  Nothing would ever be the same.  Her penetrating report of this experience is sincere, unbiased, and free of religious contrivance.

In many ways her perceptions provide a bridge to the new millennium.  Never before has language or a state of consciousness been present to examine the nature of such a miraculous occurrence as well as to develop the profound implications of it.

Here is a brilliant glimpse of eternity, rich with practical applications to life.  These messages are sparkling and direct with great contemporary relevance, Imparting in every way the impact of Divinity in communion with a thoughtful and well educated woman of our generation.

Amazing answers are given to more than 300 penetrating questions.

About the Author:

Internationally respected Speaker, Writer of contemporary spirituality, and Artist of the internationally acclaimed portrait of Christ, “The Lamb and The Lion”.
She is acknowledged by the nation’s leading scholars, critics, and museum officials as one of the world’s foremost portrait Painters and Spiritual Artists.
Her paintings are housed in major art collections, including the Smithsonian Institution.
She has taught on the faculties of Tulane University and the University of Oklahoma.
She is an exceptional public speaker in high demand.
Her warm, witty and confident manner evokes our inner certainty of a higher awareness. Glenda has a clean energetic style, and masterful comprehension of the most critical spiritual issues. Her writing and teaching offer genuine opportunities to acquire a truer, more complete, understanding of the universe and our own place in it.

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