Fun Stuff – Worry Doll in Bag for a Good Night’s Sleep


Product Description

Fun Stuff – Worry Doll in Bag For a Good Night’s Sleep

Worry Dolls are for sweet dreams a good night’s rest.

There is a Mayan Story that tells that when a person can not sleep well due to worrying that they can express their worries to a Worry Doll.  After expressing your worries, thoughts or concerns to the Worry Doll it is then placed under your pillow before going to sleep.  The Worry Doll is thought to worry on your behalf thus permitting you to sleep peacefully.  When you wake up in the morning you will have no worries because your concerns have been taken away by the Worry Doll during the night.

Each Worry Doll has been handmade and ethically produced by a small community of women that live in the highlands of Guatemala.

Size:  5cm

Each Worry Doll comes in lots of different colours and designs and includes a textile bag that has been handwoven.  Also there is a little instruction sheet too.  The bags come in different colours:

  • blue
  • green
  • orange
  • pink
  • purple
  • rainbow
  • red

Feel free to send us a message during checkout if you would like an specific colour bag, otherwise we can choose a beautiful colour for you.