Product Description
“Y-Age Glutathione goes to work for you by naturally elevating production of glutathione, which is your body’s master antioxidant. Get that youthful spring in your step back with Y-Age Glutathione!”
Contains (1) LifeWave Y-Age Glutathione – 10 Individual Patches
- Improves skin’s appearance
- Helps promote relaxation and reduces stress
- A general state of health is your greatest defence
- No drugs, or stimulants
- Patented proprietary form of phototherapy”
Initial Order Money Back Guarantee for Customers & Distributors.
- 90 day 100% Money Back Guarantee for Retail & Preferred Customers
- 30 day 100% Money Back Guarantee for Brand Partners.
The science of phototherapy, which has been around for about 100 years, uses light to improve the health of the body. As far back as two thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks had a centre for studying the effects of different coloured lights on the body. Even the ancient Egyptians, who promoted health by focusing sunlight through coloured glass on certain areas of the body, understood this concept.