Love Is In The Earth, The Crystal & Mineral Encyclopedia Book


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Love Is In The Earth, The Crystal & Mineral Encyclopedia Book

By Melody

Internationally acclaimed and a Best-Selling Metaphysical Mineralogical Encyclopedia. Contains over 1,400 mineral descriptions outlining the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of the mineral kingdom. The crowning glory of the Love is in the Earth series! This final text in the Love Is in the Earth series and THE Last Testament has been prepared with love JUST FOR YOU by Melody.

This encyclopedia is meant to take the reader on an intimate journey into the subtle realms of crystal energy, assisting one in developing a loving affinity with crystals. The minerals in the photographs have not been enhanced, reflecting them as they are naturally. Many of these minerals have been reported previously in the Love is in the Earth series; within this encyclopedia, all of the new and/or updated information for the old minerals, and all of the new information for the new minerals is reported.

About the Author: An internationally known best-selling author, Melody holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts degree in mathematics. A scientist residing in Colorado, her extensive understanding of the metaphysical and of the mineralogical aspects of the mineral kingdom has stimulated and has promoted world-wide interest. She has traveled extensively throughout the world, and is sponsored to conduct comprehensive crystal workshops, private consultations, and awareness seminars.