Product Description
Resin & Wood Incense – Myrrh Granules (25g)
About Myrrh Resin – The scent of myrrh is sharp, pleasant, somewhat bitter tinged with a slight vanillic sweetness. Myrrh has been used since antiquity to inspire prayer and meditation, and to fortify and revitalize the spirit.
Myrrh is a red-brown resinous material, the dried sap of the tree Commiphora myrrha. A small scrubby tree, native to Somalia and eastern parts of Ethiopia.
Myrrh was burned at ancient Roman funerals to mask the smell emanating from charring corpses and as a penitential incense. It was also used as an embalming ointment. It is alluded to in the Christmas carol We Three Kings (see link to Lyrics below). Myrrh was one of the gifts of the Magi to the infant Jesus according to Matthew 2:11. Myrrh was also used to anoint Jesus’ body after the crucifixion.
When burned, it produces a smoke that is heavy, bitter and somewhat phenolic in scent, which may be tinged with a slight vanillic sweetness. Unlike most other resins, myrrh expands and “blooms” when burned instead of melting or liquefying.
Myrrh is used to: improve circulation (“blood-moving”), heart rate/power, digestion, boost the immune system, and for rheumatic and arthritic complaints. Various traditions have used it to treat coughs, gum disease, wounds, bruises, aches, sprains, candida and skin disease. In Chinese medicine, myrrh is classified as bitter, spicy, neutral in temperature and affecting the heart, liver, and spleen meridians. It is one of the most effective of all disinfectants and has been used as an additive to wine and in various perfumes, toothpastes, lotions, and other modern toiletries.
More information: We Three Kings Lyrics