Crystal Soap – Fire Opal


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Product Description

Crystal Soap – Fire Opal

Crystal Soaps brings a new level of enjoyment to hand washing, amazing you with their incandescent reflections whilst being used.  They will continue to astonish you with their enigmatic fragrances and soft cleansing texture that leaves your hands feeling revitalized and relaxed!

The beauty of each Crystal Soap is magnified in action underwater by lighting up with brilliant natural colour.  The smooth stone like texture will gently cleanse with a light lather, leaving your skin soft and refreshed.

Discover the ever changing contours of a Crystal Soap bath and let their beauty wash over you.  Being free of animal products, petro chemicals and only tested on humans, this soap will leave your skin soft as silk.

About Our Crystal Soaps are a Vegetable based glycerine Soap that’s good for you and good for the environment!  Since nature cleanses best, we decided to return to the source.  Our unique blends of whole herb extracts, vitamins and minerals, from aquatic, botanical and terrestrial sources, come together as never before, in the biodegradable bases.



With extracts from the Earth.  Ingredients include: Aloe, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey, Lavender, Vitamin E, Vegetable Glycerin, Chlorophyll, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Essential Oils, Mineral Earth, Kaolin Clay.

About Fire Opal:  Formed beside geysers and hot springs and is also found in the volcanic terrain of Mexico.  A flashy soap with fiery colours to toss around in your personal hot spring.

  • Birthstone:  October
  • Zodiac:  Cancer and Aquarius
  • Chakras: Crown, Earth Star, Frontal, Heart, Link, Soul Star, Thymus
  • Fragrance:  Peach Melon Gardenia
  • Weight 180-220 grams