Essential Oil – Camphor

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Product Description

Essential Oil – Camphor

Camphor Essential Oil is good for:

  • analgesic
  • antidepressant
  • anti-inflammatory, reducing inflammation
  • antiseptic
  • bronchitis, coughs, colds, flu
  • cardiac
  • carminative
  • diuretic
  • febrifuge
  • infectious diseases
  • insecticide and repelling insects
  • hypertensive
  • laxative
  • muscular pains, rheumatism, sprains, arthritis
  • rubefacient
  • sedating nerves and uplifting apathy
  • stimulant
  • sudorific
  • vermifuge
  • vulnerary

Warning: Camphor Essential Oil is powerful and should be used with great care.  It is not used in aromatherapy as it is classed as a convulsant and neurotoxin.  Overdosing can cause convulsions and vomiting.  Pregnant women as well as people suffering from epilepsy and asthma should not use it.