Book – Opening To Channel


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Opening To Channel Book – How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides

By Roman Sanaya and Duane Packer

Channeling is a skill that can be learned.

Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, with the help of their Guides, Orin and DaBen, have created the definitive, inspirational, and easy to use guide to the art of channeling.

Opening to Channel includes practical, hands on instruction in how to know if you are ready, how to attract a high level guide, how to go into trance, how to channel for friends, how to use channeling to open to the higher dimensions, and much more.

Sanaya Roman is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of California at Berkeley.  She has studied the metaphysical sciences for years.

Sanaya Roman has been Channeling her Guide, Orin, a timeless being of light, for over fifteen years.    Orin has offered thousands of people a path of spiritual growth, soul contact, and expanding consciousness through books, tapes, and seminars.

Duane Packer has a PhD in geology and geophysics and an extensive background in bodywork.